Thomas H. Fitzgerald

• “Teaching Machines: A Demurrer,” The School Review, Autumn 1962; reprinted in Midway, Winter 1963 ,and in Contemporary Issues in Educational Psychology, Clarizo, Craig & Mehrens, eds. Allyn and Bacon, 1970.

• “A Sign, and a Smile,” The Massachusetts Review, Summer 1964.

• “Examining the Modern Conference Leader,” Personnel Administration, September 1965.

• “Appraisals: Personality, Performance, and Persons,” California Management Review, Winter 1965.

• “In-House Education, Reconsidered,” Training & Development Journal, July 1971.

• “Why Motivation Theory Doesn’t Work,” Harvard Business Review, July/August 1971; reprinted in On Human Relations by the editors of H.B.R., Harper & Row, 1979; in Readings in Organizational Behavior, Gray & Starke, eds., Merrill Publishers, 1977; and in Behavior in Organizations, Harlow & Hanke, eds., Little, Brown, 1975.

• “Management Potential: Early Recognition and Development” (with Howard Carlson), California Management Review, Winter 1971.

• “Career Education: An Error Whose Time Has Come,” School Review, November 1973; reprinted in Education Yearbook – 1974-75, Macmillan Educational Corp., 1974.

• “Coleman II: Telltale Aloft,” School Review, November 1974.

• “Understanding Reactions to Quality of Work Life: An Example from the Engineering Constituency,” The Work Life Review, August 1984.

• “How True a ‘Reckoning’? On David Halberstam and the Automobile Industry,” Michigan Quarterly Review, Summer 1987.

• “The O.D. Practitioner in the Business World: Theory vs. Reality,” Organizational Dynamics, Summer 1987.

• “The Loss of Work,” Harvard Business Review, March/April 1988.

• “Can Organizational Cultures Really Be Managed?” Organizational Dynamics, Fall 1988.

• “Values In and Around Work: A Post-Utilitarian Perspective,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Self-Managed Work Teams, University of North Texas, Denton, 1990.

• “Education for Work and About Work: A Proposal,” American Journal of Education, February 1993.

• “The Future of Belief,” First Things, May 1996.

• “Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity,” High Plains Applied Anthropologist, Spring 1996.

• “Selling the People’s Voice,” Tikkun, September/October 1999.

• “Recovering the Vernacular,” Hedgehog Review, University of Virginia, July 2014.

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